We know the line between professional and personal
Your professional contacts don’t need to peer into your personal life. Your personal activities don’t need to impact your professional standing. Privacy Party can help.
★★★★★ across reviews on Chrome, Firefox, and Edge

How a Privacy Party user thinks about their professional vs. personal online lives:

“You don't want your family connections in your professional life. You don't want your social activities in your professional life. People have different impressions of you, professional or personal. If you are doing something in your personal life, you don’t want people to have access to that or be able to hold it against you.”
★★★★★ across reviews
on Chrome, Firefox, and Edge

How a Privacy Party user thinks about their professional vs. personal online lives:

“You don't want your family connections in your professional life. You don't want your social activities in your professional life. People have different impressions of you, professional or personal. If you are doing something in your personal life, you don’t want people to have access to that or be able to hold it against you.”
Set your digital boundaries
The people you work with don’t need to know what you do when you’re off work
Be social without self-censorship
Feel free to enjoy social media with the confidence of having secured your accounts
You’re busy and have other things to worry about — we got this
We make privacy easy with automated fixes
How the browser extension works:
Privacy Party has your back on
Facebook, X, Instagram, LinkedIn, Strava, Venmo, Reddit
...with more platforms always on the way
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