You are not helpless in the face of online attacks
You already have the agency and ability to take proactive measures for your safety. Privacy Party just makes it a little easier.
★★★★★ across reviews on Chrome, Firefox, and Edge

How a Privacy Party user describes the relief before unexpected harassment:

“I felt a lot more confident. This felt more like an oversight as opposed to the sort of panic of like, oh, God, what else do I have? Where are the holes? Where are the gaps? Where is this going to come from? And that peace of mind was incredibly valuable, knowing that, hey, stuff's in a pretty good place.”
★★★★★ across reviews
on Chrome, Firefox, and Edge

How a Privacy Party user describes the relief before unexpected harassment:

“I felt a lot more confident. This felt more like an oversight as opposed to the sort of panic of like, oh, God, what else do I have? Where are the holes? Where are the gaps? Where is this going to come from? And that peace of mind was incredibly valuable, knowing that, hey, stuff's in a pretty good place.”
Privacy Party helps before, during, and after attacks
Know you’ve covered your bases
Give yourself the peace of mind that you’ve established baseline security
Get help when you're under attack
Step through settings with a trusted guide in a moment of crisis
For you, and those close to you
Share with loved ones and others at risk due to their proximity to you
How the browser extension works:
Privacy Party has your back on
Facebook, X, Instagram, LinkedIn, Strava, Venmo, Reddit
...with more platforms always on the way
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